Monday, November 8, 2010

Carrot Ginger Soup

This is maybe the very best thing my aunt Mermer makes. Seriously, SO GOOD. I made it last night but it made a lot so we're having it again tomorrow when we have friends over. I'm adding maple grilled tempeh, cornbread, and a big salad for tomorrow. The recipe is pretty imprecise, so here's what my auntie told me and what I did when I made it last night...

2 lb carrots, chopped
1 stick butter, plus 1 T
4-6 c water...?
one small onion, chopped (~1 c)
2-3 cloves garlic
1/3 -1/2 cup cashews (raw)
1/3 - 1/2 cup cooking sherry (?? i just poured a bunch in...??)
~1/3 cup ginger (half minced half chopped) (i put in probably about 1/2 cup and it was a little too much)
~ 1/8 t cayenne (or to taste)
~ 1/8 t nutmeg (or to taste)
salt to taste
~1/2 cup heavy cream or sour cream (i used cream)

1. in the big ol' pot you're going to use, saute the carrots in 1/8 lb butter (half a stick). after a little bit, add water. (I added 4 cups and later had to add more, but it's better to start out too dry than too wet.) Let simmer 15 minutes.

2. in another pan, saute the onions in the other half stick of butter. when translucent add cashews, when more brown, add garlic. saute until onions are brown/nearly caramelized

3. in yet another pan, saute the ginger in the last 1 T of butter with a lot of sherry. do what you want here, i really don't know how much to add. Just saute a little bit, until the ginger absorbs the butter and sherry. (Mermer said the sherry is kind of important, but she's done without it. If you don't want to buy sherry, maybe some leftover cheap wine?)

4. add everything to the big ol' pot and blend until smooth. May need to add more water here to get it to desired consistency (which = whatever you like)

5. add cayenne, nutmeg, and salt to taste.

6. before serving, add cream, as much as you want.

7. now EAT IT!

Hope it's tasty!!


  1. This looks so yummy! I'm gonna cook it for the babies next week, I'll let you know how it goes over!


  2. That was amazing!!! I just made this for my last meal cooking in Tenney!!!!

  3. Made it for the babies a couple weeks ago and they loved it, ate it all up! And a bunch of people asked for the recipe.
